Optional Open Peer Review System
Dear readers and reviewers,
From Vol2. Issue 2 ESNBU will introduce an optional Open Peer Review system. Reviewers will have the option to select whether their reviews are anonymous or open, and if they give us permission to disclose their names.
The open reviews, along with the reviewers' disclosed names (with permission), will be published below the abstracts of the articles on the website, thus inviting more and open comments on the published works.
Open review systems have existed since the 90s and many journals have reported on reduced bias and improvement of quality of both the articles and their reviews. Some of the benefits for readers and authors are: more constructive reviews, and that published reports can serve as peer review examples for young researchers. Among the benefits for reviewers are: it shows the reviewer’s informed opinion of the work, demonstrates experience as a reviewer, can take credit for the work involved in performing the review (apart from our encouragement to verify and earn credit for reviews at https://www.publons.com ☍).
We, the editors of ESNBU, believe that disclosing the pre-publication history of an article through the introduction of an open peer review system will make the peer review process more transparent and will stimulate scholarly discussion.
Thanks for contributing to the advancement of knowledge!
The Editors