ESNBU has incorporated author disambiguation through ORCID

What DOI is to a publication, this is ORCID to a researcher.


ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. ORCID seeks to remedy the systemic name ambiguity problems seen in scholarly research by assigning unique identifiers linkable to an individual's research output. That is, ORCID provides a free persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. Also, over time some of your research activities may become invisible because of variations of your name.
ORCID Registry takes care of that - it stores details of all you scholarly activities under all the variations of your name.

Many publishers have integrated ORCID into their journal management systems to solve authorship issues. ORCID provides a central registry of researchers that crosses disciplines, work places, sectors, and national boundaries.

We have been acknowledging reviews at Publons since we launched English Studies at NBU and now you can allow those verified reviews to display in your ORCID Record.

/Your ORCID iD connects with your ORCID Record that can contain links to your research activities, affiliations, awards, other versions of your name, and more that you can use in funding applications. You control this content and who can see it.
Learn more and register at ☍.