ORCiD IDs Requirements update
English Studies at NBU is updating several policies and procedures in the strive for more transparency, compliance with industry standards and better editorial practices which focus both on quality and global reach. Stay tuned!
ESNBU has been gradually transitioning towards full implementation of ORCiD IDs for editors, reviewers and authors since early in 2017. (We wrote about it in February last year.)
We have updated our policy to help you reliably connect with your works, awards, and affiliations.
#1 - ORCiD IDs Requirements update
From 2019, ORCiD IDs become mandatory for corresponding authors of published papers, with the understanding that ORCID iD collection is optional for the co-authors, and should ideally take place at submission. It also becomes a requirement for all ESNBU editors, but still optional for reviewers. Exceptions will be dealt with individually.
So why have we decided to speed up the transition, and how can the system help you?
1. Name disambiguation
Your name is probably not unique and you may find that your academic outputs get confused with those of someone with a similar name when they are listed in bibliographic databases such as Scopus or Web of Science. As we are now indexed in Web of Science, ORCiD IDs are more than necessary to make sure your publications are identified as your output.
Many researchers share the same, or a similar name, making it easy to confuse you with someone else. This is even more likely to be the case if you have changed your name, use different versions of your name, or have a name that has been transliterated into other languages.
Moreover, it is particularly relevant to those of us who publish both in English (or another Roman script based language) and Cyrillic.
When I registered I entered four versions of my name under which I have published, two in English and two in Bulgarian: Stan Bogdanov, Stanislav Bogdanov, Стан Богданов and Станислав Богданов. However, they all point to the same ORCiD iD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7144-1044 ☍ across various publishers.
Having and using your own ORCID iD ensures that you are correctly identified.
2. World-wide adoption
ORCID iDs are now embedded in over 600 systems globally, spanning manuscript submission, grant application and research information management. For example, Elsevier supports ORCID iDs in submitting your work to its journals, managing your references with Mendeley. Other notable adopters are Crossref DOI Auto-update, DataCite, and InCite.
At the time of writing this article, there are 5,750,213 registered ORCiD IDs and still counting.
3. Publisher requirements
Over 7 000 journals are now requiring some or all authors to use an iD, as do many other systems - research profiles, funding, and repositories. Attributing authorship correctly is a major issue for publishers. Many publishers are now incorporating ORCID identifiers into their manuscript submission systems and peer reviewing processes. Using your ORCID identifier may speed up the manuscript process and your ORCID profile can be automatically updated by the publisher once your manuscript is accepted and then later published. For example, Clarivate integrates ORCiD IDs with all their services - Web of Science, EndNote, ResearcherID, InCite, and Publons which synch your publications and reviewer records authomatically with ORCiD.
4. Recognition
ORCID increases discoverability of your research outputs. ORCID improves recognition for you and your research. Using your iD creates reliable connections between your iD and your research activities. For example, if you provide your iD the next time you peer review, recognition of your review activity (e.g. Publons, see above) can be deposited in your ORCID record, enabling you to share it with the other organizations you interact with.
5. It's yours
Your ORCID iD belongs to you and not to the institution that you work for, or a company. Even when you change work places, it's still your ORCiD ID - you only change your affiliation to 'current'. You get to decide what information you associate with it, who can see this information and which other organisations can add information on your behalf. This means you can keep adding to it thoughout your research career, and across institutions.
6. It’s free to register and use an ORCID iD and always will be free for researchers.
Want more? Visit https://ORCiD.org ☍
If you haven’t already done so, register your ORCID iD today and start using it right away! Next time you submit a manuscript, we'll ask for it anyway!
Stan Bogdanov
Managing Editor