We're in Brill Linguistic Bibliography Online
October 2019 is another hallmark for ESNBU!
In early October 2019 Brill's Linguistic Bibliography - the most comprehensive bibliography for every scholar and student of linguistics - included ESNBU in their list of periodicals.
The indexed articles (starting 2015) are only 'Linguistics':
- On the concept of term equivalence, Diana Yankova,
doi https://doi.org/10.33919/esnbu.15.1.1 ☍
- An alternative proposal for eliciting key words, Elena Tarasheva,
doi https://doi.org/10.33919/esnbu.15.2.1 ☍
- Is there an illocutionary act of assertion?, Mariya Chankova,
doi https://doi.org/10.33919/esnbu.15.2.5 ☍
- Rethinking inversion in English syntax, Ellie Boyadzhieva,
doi https://doi.org/10.33919/esnbu.18.1.3 ☍
- Issues in Bulgarian Sign Language interpreting, Slavina Lozanova,
doi https://doi.org/10.33919/esnbu.18.2.4 ☍
The five indexed articles come under subject keywords: Translation, Corpus linguistics, Emphasis, Generative grammar, Illocution, Interrogative, Inversion, Law, Natural language processing, Negation, Pragmatics, discourse analysis and text grammar, Sociolinguistics, language variation, Speech act, Synonymy, Syntax, Terminology.
https://bibliographies.brillonline.com/search?s.q=%222367-5705%22&s.f.s2_parent=s.f.book.linguistic-bibliography ☍
We'll be approaching other Brill bibliographies for inclusion of articles on other topics. The next one could be Index Islamicus. Watch this space.