ENGLISH STUDIES AT NBU is five years ‘young’!

On February 6 ESNBU turned five!

To mark the occasion, we will present the latest issue of the journal in the Book Centre at New Bulgarian University.


Part of the event is an interview with the founding editors, Assoc. Prof. Boris Naimushin, PhD, Editor in Chief, and Chief Assist. Prof. Stan Bogdanov, PhD, Managing Editor.

And while you might be stumped about what to get them for the occasion, we’ll make things easy for you. All we want is your … questions to the editors for the interview here: https://forms.gle/3A9h991MuxKb4mc4A ☍

You will be able to hear the answer to your questions during the live broadcast of the event on March 11, 2020, 15:00h GMT+2.

Mediator: Assoc. Prof. Evelina Hristova, PhD

Leave your email so we can send you the link to the live broadcast.
Questions can be marked as 'anonymous' and will remain as such when asked.