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Vol.1, Issue 1, 2015, pp.4-17 Full text

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Web of Science: 000449158700001

Diana Yankova

New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

The article considers some terminological aspects in the process of harmonization of legislation reflecting on different approaches to the study of terms and especially to synonymy and term equivalence. The various mechanisms available to the translator are examined within the EU context and against the background of Bulgaria's legal culture. The analysis is based on translations of EU legislation from English into Bulgarian and highlights felicitous choices and techniques employed, as well as recurring inconsistencies in the long and arduous process of approximation of legislation.

Keywords: harmonization of legislation, supranational law, EU directives, legal terminology, translation equivalence, translation strategies, multilingual communication

Article history:
Submitted: 15 July 2014
Accepted: 21 December 2014
Published: 1 February 2015

Citation (APA):
Yankova, D. (2015). On the concept of term equivalence. English Studies at NBU, 1(1), 4-17.

Copyright © 2015 Diana Yankova

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