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Vol.9, Issue 2, 2023, pp. 239-269 Full text

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Web of Science: 001131896300006

1 Tarek Assassi
2 Tarek Ghodbane

1 Mohamed Khider University, Biskra, Algeria 05fr5y859
2 University of Ghardaia, Ghardaia, Algeria 02ck5yd04

Contributor roles
Conceptualization: T.A. (lead);
Data curation: T.A, T.G. (equal);
Investigation: T.A. (lead), T.B. (supporting);
Methodology: T.A. (lead), T.G. (supporting);
Writing – original draft: T.A. (lead);
Writing – review and editing: T.A. (lead), T.G. (supporting)

The English for Aviation Language Testing System (EALTS) is one of the international tests for pilots wishing to operate in international airspace. This test presents a wide range of difficulties for Algerian pilots, but little research has been conducted to estimate its validity. This paper seeks to answer two questions: (1) What are test-takers perspectives on the EALTS test construct? and (2) What is the assessors' perception of the testing procedure and test validity? A descriptive study was conducted using qualitative data from a semi-structured questionnaire for ten pilots and a semi-structured interview for three certified assessors and four university researchers. The authors used 'first-hand' data from the targeted sample to cross-check results' validity through triangulation. The results show specific difficulties from an affective dimension, such as stress and anxiety caused by inefficient preparation and unfamiliarity with test tasks. A different interpretation of ICAO descriptions using the rating scale is another issue noted by assessors. Additionally, technical issues with the computer-based listening test and non-compliant features of the test contents with features of the target situation language use are among the main issues noted by both test-takers and assessors.

Keywords: ESP, Assessment, Aviation English, test validity, test design, aviation phraseology, language proficiency

Article history:
Submitted: 06 September 2023
Reviewed: 18 September 2023
Accepted: 22 September 2023
Published: 20 December 2023

Citation (APA):
Assassi, T, & Ghodbane, T. (2023). The Recurring Issue of Aviation English Test Validity: Echoes from Test-Takers and Assessors of the English for Aviation Language Testing System in Algeria. English Studies at NBU, 9(2), 239-269.

Copyright © 2023 Tarek Assassi and Tarek Ghodbane

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